Sometimes life can be really hard.
Things happen and for whatever reason we don’t think we have anyone to turn to.
We can always turn to God, of course.
The thing is, we also need people around us to help us help ourselves.
Below is a list of links to help put you in contact with someone who can help you with your particular situation. I hope you will have the courage to reach out to them.
To Write Love On Her Arms Dedicated to helping those who are hurting, depressed, self-injuring or suicidal. There is help available right now.
National Runaway Safeline They will listen to you without judging you. They won’t tell you what to do, but they will help you.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline They always have someone standing by, ready to talk to you about whatever is on your mind and to help you feel better.
Domestic Violence Hotline You deserve to be safe. There is a way out whether you see it or not. These people can help you find it.
Not comfortable calling?
Text CONNECT to 741-741 and speak with a counselor anonymously about anything. You do not have to tell them your name. Their website: Crisis Text Line